I can’t hear antinyhg over the sound of how awesome this article is.
So if the second year runs from 2007 to 2008, does the third year run from 2006 to 2007? I like your creative use of the space-time continuum, and reckon you could use the same method to claim the 18th year of blogdom for the years 1973 to 74. Congratulations!
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Touchdown! That’s a really cool way of putting it!
She is in Texas so we share the hot summers, but she gets frost. She has installed stepped sloping paths on each side of her house. Her photos, garden, and ideas are enviable perfection.
Le 10/07/2009 à 21h09 Pareil ,je trouve que les gouts ne sont pas assez diversifié,pour que sa puisse plaire à tout le monde,Et en fait faudrait plus de modele,pour avoir le choix(meme si je fais partie des micro-tailles).
makes sense that the two would form a deeper partnership. Krishnan Subramanian made that point in a post he wrote yesterday about Box and its strategic direction as a best-of-breed player that forms partnerships instead of
Thank you for this post, Ally! While I am at the beginning of going out into the dating world, it’s been interesting noticing emotions that I’ve had towards different guys. One thing that I have realized, is that there are certain traits often found in non Christian guys that are major turn offs. For example, selfishness is definitely not attractive. A guy who is willing to point his life towards something bigger than himself and serve others, now that is hot. As I see guys that have the good qualities, it makes the bad boys just seem unappealing in comparison.
The purchases I make are entirely based on these articles.
Jako pÅ™Ãznivec kontaktnÃch sportů vÅ™ele souhlasÃm.ZajÃmalo by mÄ› taky, kam by směřovala úvaha soudů, pokud by se jednalo o vÄ›c, která nenà výslovnÄ› upravena stanovami nÄ›jakého spolku. Sáhli by po nejbližšà analogii? Nutili by napÅ™Ãklad historické Å¡ermÃÅ™e Å¡ermovat s maskou a fleretem? ByÅ¥ v jÃzdnÃm turnaji z doby PÅ™emysla Otakara II.? Musel bych mÃt na nafukovaÄce plovacà vestu a helmu?
Never seen a better post! ICOCBW
I’d love to win one because we have a wee one due in about seven weeks and you can never have enough blankets, especially cute ones! We’re doing a lot of gray already so I think I’d go with the yellow border. Thanks!
Hello there, just changed into aware of your blog thru Google, and located that it’s truly informative. I am going to watch out for brussels. I’ll be grateful if you happen to proceed this in future. Lots of folks will probably be benefited from your writing. Cheers!VA:F [1.6.5_908]please wait…VA:F [1.6.5_908](from 0 votes)
Johanna –I’d suggest getting in touch with Victoria at Writer Beware, and/or with Passive Guy at The Passive Voice. PG is a lawyer, and I bet he will be able to point you to someone who can help. Legal or not, this guy is taking advantage of a community you built. I’m sure there are answers somewhere. The trick is finding them.I have a feeling I’m not the only one who’d chip in to help cover your legal bills, my friend.
gente, tentei baixar esse filme so q no ligar dele o download q aparece p/ ser feito é o de: o amor não tem regras!!Quando vai esta o link certo?Desde ja obrigada.
今晚è—月 今年最大滿月【è¯åˆå ±╱記者蔡永彬/å°åŒ—å ±å°Ž】2010.01.30今年元旦æ£é€¢æ»¿æœˆ,第一é“日出å‰é‚„有月å食景象。今晚是這個月的第二次滿月,å«ä½œ「è—月」(Blue Moon)。這次滿月也是今年å三個滿月ä¸,å¯ä»¥çœ‹åˆ°çš„最大滿月。ä¸å¤®æ°£è±¡å±€å¤©æ–‡ç«™æŠ€å£«é„振è±èªª,大約一百五åå¹´å‰,å› æ£®æž—ç«ç½æˆ–ç«å±±çˆ†ç™¼æ‰€é€ æˆçš„ç°å¡µæˆ–煙霧瀰漫在地çƒçš„高層大氣,當月光穿éŽæ™‚,紅色光被散射,è—色光則å—到的影響較少,所以那個時候的月亮看起來有些åè—,但ç¾ä»£å·²ç¶“很難真的看到「è—色的月亮」了。é„振è±æ到,今晚的月亮是今年肉眼å¯è¦‹çš„最大滿月。å› ç‚ºç•¶æ™‚æœˆçƒä½ç½®å‰›å¥½åœ¨ç¹žåœ°çƒå…¬è½‰è»Œé“çš„「近地點」附近,月亮看起來會大一些。
Hi Kieren,Haven’t a clue what number stalls mine are in but my 3 against the field are1. Martyr…16/12. I Have A Dream…16/13. Lord Of The House…40/1All 3 Win and PlaceStuart
I went to one in Edmonton, it was very well done, Deb Grey got huge applause, and she was only in the audience like the rest of us. My son almost got to shake the PM’s hand, but some adult butted in, and I didn’t think fast enough to spike him with my heels. Maybe next time. Two years and this slim minority is still ticking, and all the media has is a non-issue like Afghan prisoners, I bet he’s feeling good. Funny no polls out this week, bet they were bad for the Liberals and are getting buried.
If I admitted what songs I listened to here, I would lose what little respect I have earned. Some of it is laughable–80′s butt rock etc, but some of it is too shameful to mention.But that’s the thing, if you listen to the same song long enough, it actually becomes better than silence.
comment peut on honnêtement juger 2 ans et 100 jours ???Sarkozy n’a pas failli pour le moment, son seul défaut est d’avoir eu cette crise.Il a fait une excellente présidence européenne, lancé plusieurs réformes, le chômage a baissé jusqu’à ce que la crise arrive.On verra où en sera BO dans 2 ans mais peut etre que la crise sera passé et qu’on dira que c’est lui qui l’a jugulée !
I love these holiday images especially the first! I def need to check out the holiday issue of Sweet Paul asap! Aww, love the pictures of the Fanning sisters, as well. They're so grown up!
Never seen a better post! ICOCBW
This is a most useful contribution to the debate
279c239oksana:936c141âðтьÑÂýð, áÿðÑÂøñþ Ã’ðü þóрþüýþõ ÷ð ту øýфþрüðцøю, úþтþрыõ òы ýõÑÂётõ!!! Þчõýь, ÞçÕÃÂì üýþóþ ýуöýþóþ!!! áÿðÑÂøñþ, чтþ Ã’Ñ‹ õÑÂть. 19c8bb
At last, someone comes up with the “right” answer!
Hahahaha. I’m not too bright today. Great post!
Apple brengt pas om het jaar een toestel uit! dus dan verwachte wel een WOOW-effect hoor!En Samsung laat zen consumenten altijd een WOOW-effect beleven.
I don’t think this scenario is the same as those who spread obviously debunked falsehoods; this was a breaking story that was on a legitimate news site. Had someone forwarded it to me, I might have made a comment, since doing my due diligence would show it to be “true”, at least until BBC corrected themselves.
Forgot to mention that I have 200+ hours in ASEL, and of those 20 are in light sport airplanes; a joy to fly. CZAW SportCruiser was my fave, but the Flight Design CTSW grew on me for 3.0 hours before being removed from the rental fleet.
Thank you everyone for your thoughtful comments. Alison and I are hoping that most readers (and reviewers) feel much the same way you do — that a not very tidy "ending" is more thought-provoking for young readers than confusing or scary. Fortunately, we have very supportive editors!
This insight’s just the way to kick life into this debate.
My son graduated from kindergarten to stay not only in the same school, but with the same teacher. We're redistricted and the elementary school four miles away where my daughter went to kindergarten did not do graduations…phew! The schools try to do some neat things for the kids their last year at each school. For folks like me, that is just one more box of kleenex I need.My recent post
This “free sharing” of information seems too good to be true. Like communism.
If I were a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, now I’d say “Kowabunga, dude!”
I really did like /Skinned/ – though Lea could get annoying at points, and the whole idea was almost an inverted /Uglies/, I loved the world. And now I really do need to go get Crashed.
Call me wind because I am absolutely blown away.
Hi Kim,I thought of doing the same thing on my blog. A little question and answer scenario to help my readers know me better.Either way I like your answers. Africa is the most Beautiful continent on this Earth. I would like to go and check out Victoria Falls someday.I like your last meal idea. We just made chocolate cookies with walnuts the other night. Justin recently posted..
VoR,Re:”I’m starting to think that a large part of Cleveland’s problems are due to a very bad combination of Star Ego and Unimaginative Coaching.”Yes and yes. It’s been that way, really. Mike Brown gets all this flak for his offense, but there is no way that the offense remains the same *unless* LeBron like it like that. Obviously he does.
This writing style reminds me of my best friend. Got sucked into your page for almost an hour. Might you write up more content on this subject? This might be just what I was looking for. I just shared this blog on my Instagram. It’s very informative and you’re obviously very knowledgeable in this area.
There’s nothing like the relief of finding what you’re looking for.
Free info like this is an apple from the tree of knowledge. Sinful?
hi Hoda. Not too sure what dictionaries are out there but you can try searching for “Mobile Systems MSDict Oxford Dic” from Mobile Systems. I’m sure you’re able to find a free version somewhere.
I found just what I was needed, and it was entertaining!
All the posts are fully informative and having very good themes. I love to visit your blog again and again it’s really increase my knowledge. Thanks for the awesome post.
A good many valuables you’ve given me.
Hi – this should really be posted next to your general home automation article.. what light switches did you end up using in your project – X10 or some other brand? As a programmer I was looking for something flexible – I didn’t want to have to buy someone else’s software. Thanks! Dave
Jose Jorge:Negativo, lo que encuentras en Ezequiel 40 y demás datos que tratan de ese “palacio” (en hebreo no dice “templo”), no hacen referencia alguna a la “nueva Jerusalén”, la cual no ha sido aún vista en el reino de los cielos.FGuttmann.
Köszönöm Kati, mostanra megvan minden feladat, én is lázban égek már :)Holnap felteszem összesÃtve, hogy átláthatóbb legyen, kinek-milyen étellel kell készülnie. Van egy-két igazán különleges, és jó néhány ismertebb nagyszerű konyha a listán :)Én most ugye nem játszom, de azt hiszem Izland lenne számomra a legnehezebb!
Det skapet må jeg innrømme jeg misunner deg litt, har vært på utkikk etter et fint gammelt metallskap en stund men ikke hatt hellet med meg enda :)Ha en finfin tirsdags kveld!
Nici eu nu stiam ca titlul e in latina
Hei, fac latina anul viitor, n-aveam de unde sa stiu. Oricum, cartea pare foarte interesanta si citind interviul, a primit din partea mea si mai multe bile albe 
RacingcarzMercedes CLS Shooting Brake: Erste ImpressionenMercedes definiert die Premium Kombi-Klasse neu und stellt mit dem CLS Shooting Brake ein Fahrzeug hin, dass vo…
Ha Yvonne en Thea,Ziet er goed uit!Ben ook zeer benieuwd naar de inhoud, vooral de meeneemlunches zullen goed van pas komen!Succes en ik zal het boek zeker kopen.Groetjes Debbie
Gee willikers, that’s such a great post!
Hvala Miro za podporo v molitvi.Sem naÅ¡la enega spovednika.Slava Jezusu.Å e se priporoÄam v molitev, ker sem v hudi preizkuÅ¡nji.Doživljam veliko temo, samoto, zavrženost, kot da ni konca tega.Molim prosim Jezusu vÄasih je bolje potem pa spet butajo valovi iz vseh strani.Najraje bi zbežala ujeta sem.Jezus pomagaj mi razumeti svoje trpljenje in nauÄi me kako se naj se z njim sooÄim,saj brez tebe ne zmorem veÄ.Hvala, da si mi opora in edino upanje.Slava ti.
It’s good to get a fresh way of looking at it.
Gracias por el tuto amigo, quisiera que me dijeras como has hecho o como se hace para que la linea de vida aparesca en la parte superior y la publicidad salga debajo, lo mio es al contrario porfiz responde.
You have represented your ideas in an original, interesting and intelligent manner. Your content is great and thought-provoking in my opinion. I agree with your ideas for the most part. Your work is very impressive.
remarkable finding up-wards…Great go by means of, I merely passed about this specified upon a substantial new companion which professional earlier formerly been process numerous analysis because may. Together with your individual people only purchased we lunch trouble area becaus…
Los amigos solteros siempre son un poco más infantiles que los casados (y me incluyo) porque no conocemos de las obligaciones de la vida (hijos), creo que nada se compara con eso. Yo crié a mi hermano menor y sé un poco de esas obligaciones, pero obviamente no se comparA CON SER UNA MADRE O UN PADRE. Ni modo, consuélate con que los solteros somos más libres
Heisann:0)DÃ¥ er eg med!!Innlegga dine er kjempeflotte og reine oppslagsverka for Bergen!!Mykje eg skal rekke neste Bergenstur, ja….Ellers synst eg dette er kjempegøy og eit utruleg flott iniativ frÃ¥ deg.Men eg mÃ¥ sei meg eining med Arne A, at det vert litt pes dersom det skal bli om Ã¥ gjere Ã¥ legge ut tidlegast muleg…Mykje kjekkare om vi kan halde det til fredag-laurdag-søndag!!Klem
Pas plus antinomique que divorcé-remarié et catholique, Johan… L’Eglise ne vous appelle pas àvivre « sans amour ». Il y a de multiples façons d’aimer, et d’être aimé… en revanche, elle vous appelle àl’abstinence, et elle sait que c’est loin d’être facile àvivre, et que c’est une épreuve…
What we know about Jimmy Fennig has been good, I think every one agrees something has to be done for Carl and the 99 team after this last year .This to me sounds like a good place to start! I believe Jack always has Carl’s best interests at the top of his list. The talk of a crew switch I don’t know that I understand that. Would they swap the WHOLE team or just personal here and there? Will be anxious to hear more!
Don’t the one-state left and even the Palestinians need to make common cause with these people? They are far from perfect. They support discriminatory symbols. But voting rights, habeas corpus, property rights: those are not small matters. And they would be tangible tools for greater Palestinian assertion. And greater reconciliation!
o maior prefeito da hitoria de pres. dutra remy só ganhou a eleicão a 1982 com 1900 votos agora os maiores destruidores da historia ganhar com 8000 votos é bricadeira ou piada kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk, brinca que eu gosto.
Interesant si util acest articol. Totusi, mai multa atentie la detalii va rog. In poza 2 puteati sa puneti niste protectii prizelor, ca tot vorbeste articolul de siguranta copilului.
mar28 Pois é cara, eu passei um pouco por esta “crise dos 2 meses”. Mas a leitura do livro Mais Tempo e Mais Dinheiro me ajudou a retomar o gás. Agora, o que mais está me motivando são os resultados.
This has made my day. I wish all postings were this good.
I absolutely love your website! Where do I start…your website is one of the most professional I have seen in a long time. Your abstract way of taking photos makes for a unique style that nobody has ever dipped into. I love each photograph because it’s original! Thank you for being original! I am excited that photography found you because, lets just be honest, it needed you! Great job with everything you have accomplished, I cannot wait to see more.
this looks like a fantastic pallette. those swatches are so pigmented. adding this to my holiday wishlist. thanks for sharing the review! xx. gigi. food and beauty blogger @ http://www.gigikkitchen.blogspot.com
Please bring back the "subscription favorites" to my subscriptions page. I personally do not upload videos, and I have several friends who don't either. My friends have similar taste in videos, and I would like to see what they are saving as their favorities. Why was this taken off?? Please leave well enough alone!!
Freeze leftover tomato paste, wrapped in wax paper, then in a freezer bag. When you need just a tablespoon or two, cut it from the frozen chunk, then return the remaining chunk to the freezer.
Well done to think of something like that
Your Treadmill WorkoutIt’s Your Decision On Whether You Really Want To Lose Weight Or NotHerbal Supplements for the Soul.Spirits Rising with Herbal Remedies. – Patch ul.legalfooter li{ list-style:none; float:left; padding-right:20px; } .accept{ display:none;
Simon –That’s a good question, one to which I don’t have an answer.I’m not an expert on such things; that’s why I rely on the distributed network for my information. If enough people contribute to the conversation, eventually an accurate picture will emerge.El Ingles has some material in the pipeline, so let’s wait and see what he has to say…
This is a linear game. Walk down this hall then walk down another hall etc. Also you can not jump in this game. Your character is glued to the floor at all times which gives me a trapped feeling. Mario could jump and he was a fat plumber. Batman should be able to jump.
Indian à ®Žà ®©à ¯Âà ®± à ®ªà ¯†à ®¯à ®°à ®¿à ®²à ¯ à ®µà ®¨à ¯Âà ®¤à ®¿à ®°à ¯Âà ®•à ¯Âà ®•à ¯Âà ®®à ¯ à ®’à ®°à ¯ à ®µà ¯†à ®±à ®¿à ®¨à ®¾à ®¯à ®¿à ®©à ¯ à ®Žà ®šà ¯Âà ®šà ®¿à ®²à ¯ à ®¤à ®¾à ®©à ¯ à ®‡à ®¨à ¯Âà ®¤ à ®ªà ®¿à ®©à ¯Âà ®©à ¯‚à ®Ÿà ¯Âà ®Ÿà ®®à ¯Â. à ®šà ®¿à ®² à ®µà ®¾à ®°à ¯Âà ®¤à ¯Âà ®¤à ¯ˆà ®•à ®³à ¯ˆ obscured à ®ªà ®£à ¯Âà ®£à ®¿à ®¯ à ®µà ®¿à ®©à ®µà ¯Â, à ®…à ®¨à ¯Âà ®¤ à ®®à ¯Šà ®¤à ¯Âà ®¤ à ®Žà ®šà ¯Âà ®šà ®¿à ®²à ¯Âà ®®à ¯ obscured à ®ªà ®£à ¯Âà ®£ à ®¤à ®•à ¯Âà ®¨à ¯Âà ®¤à ®¤à ¯‡!
Garamond dit :Une solution bien simple pour le monde ordinaire : le chauffeur désigné, qui ne boira pas du tout ! L’autre moyen encore plus sûr : prendre un taxi …[]
Thanks Sean, I would love to know how you saw how wrong that life is, what changed you. I wish you would write a book, We rescuers need to know how to reach those that choose such a violent life for this beautiful breed. Thank You So Much For Admitting What You Did And Now Reaching Those That Are Still In This Life. Maybe Someday Michael Vick Will Truly See The Wrong In The Life He Was Involved In.
Hi Ann,Thank you so much for sharing your recipe. My first attempt failed and then I tried yours! It was so easy to follow. Its brilliant! Just a question though,, can I put two trays at a time? Because I put one tray at a time and the rest of the mixture was sitting in the bowl. The first batch took exactly 20 minutes like you stated and came off the baking paper cleanly. But I noticed that the second and the third times, I had to bake more than 20 minutes. Any suggestions please Ann?Many ThanksBashini.
“What we do instead are projects focussing on reflection, music as a part of their lives and their future as music makers”This is an awesome idea! Just another example of how good you are at thinking outside of the box. Way to be a great teacher Mr. K.
This article is a home run, pure and simple!
You make things so clear. Thanks for taking the time!
Kár, hogy az eredeti forrás már valószÃnűleg nem él… vagy, ha igen, akkor UFO, mert lehet vagy több száz éves… Mert, az öregtésztát bizony azóta használják, amióta a kenyeret sütik… Gondolom Névtelen kollega ezt nem Ãgy tudja, de ez meg az Å‘ baja. SzÃvesen meghallgatnám, hogy mi a véleménye, vagy kihez köti az öregtésztát. Legalább nézne utána, mielÅ‘tt vádaskodik.
Schade, dass es nur ein Aprilscherz war! Wäre mal was anderes gewesen anstatt dieser Blümchenpflücker-Abenteuer wie wir-befreien-mal-das-Dorf-von-dem-Fluch oder wir-suchen-die-entführte-Müllerstochter. Endlich mal DSA für Erwachsene! (obwohl es viele andere Kampagnen gibt, die ich liebe )
138Hey Pattie, Thank you so much for your encouraging words. I truly appreciate your taking the time to write. It is comforting to know that you can achieve a healthy, radiant complexion without the use of toxins, isn’t it? Thanks for sharing. Regards, Rita12e
dokdo-korea,Korea was a part of Japan. So, Korea has no title to sign SF Treaty. Instead, recall the treaty, “Treaty on Basic Relations between Japan and the Republic of Korea”:Japan and the Republic of Korea, Recalling the relevant provisions of the Treaty of Peace with Japan signed at the city of San Francisco on September 8, 1951…
The answer of an expert. Good to hear from you.
My cousin’s kid is the same way about splinters. He’ll let his get infected and stuff. Crazy.I hope you brought ice cream with you to go cry in your room.
I would love to see TAST continue next year as I have learnt so many new stitches. Thankyou Sharon for sharing your Knowlege and the great easy to follow instructions.
That’s really thinking at an impressive level
Agree with FC wholeheartedly, I don’t think this dress is flattering or attractive at all. It makes her look shorter than she is and doesn’t give any curves. Her face and hair are lovely. I love the third pic where her husband is looking at her.
That’s a slick answer to a challenging question
I am quite a novel specimen. As a teacher for AP history I always had them outline for the critical essay. To begin, to touch all points, then present pro/con, to access and conclude. Of course this was necessary in my time because there was no word processor enabling one to add/delete so organization was critical if you were a poor typist and had to redo over and over. .
Interessant, jeg skal lige se om jeg kan finde nogle at de “fantastiske” gaver jeg vandt i julens pakkeleg, mÃ¥ske der var noget du kunne bruge/noget jeg gerne vil af med
To tweak one of Lewis Carroll's lines, your blog is getting comprehensiver & comprehensiver! Thanks again, & special thanks for the opportunities listed after the post.
I found myself nodding my noggin all the way through.
Gee willikers, that’s such a great post!
ayse ozsoy diyor ki:gül işi daha önce yapmıştım iğne oyası bölümünde.çok deneyimim oldu.acil evde işe ihtiyacım var arasanız sevinirim
Orville’s book provides a concise, targeted process for finding your next job. It’s written for a broad audience. Beverly’s book provides a macro perspective on how the nature of work and the way we find jobs has changed. See synopsis here.
DSL es otra distro ligera que es basada en debian y esta ok se puede usar apt e ir instalando cosas a voluntadFeather igualademas debian con lxde no consume mas de 80 mb y existen aplicaciones de ofimatica ligeras, por eso no hay lio
Eu sempre compro na magazine Luiza com o meu cartão de credito mas estou um cartão de credito da propia loja porque fui senpre bem atendido por todos os vendedores nota.10
Hej camilla! du har en otroligt fin blogg. var har du fått tag i den rödvita mattan? den blev jag lite smått kär i/nina
一日唔互讓互諒就冇安寧嘅日ålaw!å’都唔明?男士們è¦å¤§ç”·äºº,得架!ä½ ä¸€å€‹äººä¸€ä»½ç³§æ“”å¾—èµ·æˆé 家,唔洗è€å©†å‡ºåŽ»æ±ä¸–ç•Œ,weekend åŒè€å©†ä»”女商é‡å“今晚食乜餸,寒å‡åŽ»é‚ŠçŽ©,ä½ è€å©†å¯¦éŒ«æ™’ä½ gar,å¤§äººä½ è©±ä¹œå°±ä¹œlaw … 女士們就唔好扮上èœ,åšäººå¥³å‹/è€å©†å””ä¿‚åšå…¬ä¸»!ä¿‚åšå¾·èª 女å‚+ä¸åœ‹åŸŽå›¡å›¡!ç‰æ¢ä½¬å†‡åŒ—姑雞外賣食ar!淨返d $ä½ è²·ä¹œéƒ½å¾—la!
I was really confused, and this answered all my questions.
Liebe HildegardDie vergangenen Tage hallen nach – auch die schönen Lieder und Kanons, die wir miteinander gesungen haben, schwingen nachhaltig in mir.Ich danke euch allen nochmals ganz herzlich, dass ich mit dabei sein durfte.Für Euer Weitergehen wünsche ich alles Gute und Gottes Segen – kommt heil in Jerusalem an.Herzliche Grüsse an alleMartina
Eso serÃa mejor, pero los pequeños son más polivalentes: se pueden poner en lugares donde el grande no cabrÃa, y los pequeños son más económicos.
The paragon of understanding these issues is right here!
sich prima für Salate verwenden und halten sich gut. Wer Süßschnäbel beschenken möchte, kocht Fudges oder schichtet Backmischungen in hübsche Gläser und heftet eine Anleitung für die Herstellung
That’s way the bestest answer so far!
danithew, that’s it! The new subtitle of the ‘nacle! It shall henceforth be called,“The Bloggernacle: Where people equate their own opinions with common sense and simultaneously believe that anyone who disagrees (with them) is an idiot.”
You really have an amazing sense of humor. I seriously believe your write up needs much more thought. Oh my goodness! A amazing article. I really didn’t even know that was even a possibility. Do you really believe this new trend will keep going into the next few months?
I went to tons of links before this, what was I thinking?
My only, unhelpful, suggestion is to have your due date earlier in the summer… (helpful: spend more time in the mountains?) In Reno Charlotte was born during a record breaking heatwave (112ºF, Reno usually has few days over 100 all summer). However, the hospital had far better AC than our older apartment, so there was a bright side….