








  1. Dude, right on there brteroh.

  2. Michael OsborneNovember 8, 2012 at 23:08 pmHey Prof (a real one, not Fong-Kong),Maybe Obama will now earn the Nobel prize which he was awarded four years ago.No matter which way it goes, the world is a far better place without Romney (or perhaps any other Republican) leading the USA.p.s. It never ceases to amaze that the nation which put the Rover II on Mars, among other awesome stuff, has leading politicians who believe that women don’t get pregnant from rape.

  3. they only visit bubba should say that to people like the astronauts,air traffic controllers,police ,CIA,FBI, many high ranking military personnel,and finally even Stanton T.Friedman who was doing an interview outside while lights danced in the sky behind him.These are the people he refers to as country bumpkins.I wonder where that puts him on this scale he has espoused,much lower than any country bumpkin this much is sure!

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  16. Lady Dodi · venerdì, 30 novembre 2012, 6:27 pmBasta anche con l’onesta e integerrima. Ci mancherebbe!Ma non basta assolutamente!La persona si valuta nella difficoltà, non quando tutto va bene! Siamo tutti bravi a dire cose belle.Non siamo mica al Catechismo, ecchecavolo!

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  18. What about being kind to yourself? Would you call that a part of self-respect, being at peace with yourself, or feeling a sense of well-being? I agree it’s important to use words that we can connect to emotionally, and I can appreciate your effort to find an emotional connection to the term “self-love”.

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  26. and second being your ‘ideology’ .i never said we should idolize Periyar. I request you to go back and read my text once again.And for your ease the gist of my last reply was this: i dint intend to glorify Dravidian ideologies or Dravidian parties. I said they did more good than harm. In the harm it produced we bear equal culpability as they – the Dravidian parties, do. Because we failed to steer them. we blindly followed them. we idolised them.And most of the claims you make seems very superficial and stereotypical to me. but i may be totally wrong.

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