Dude, right on there brteroh.
Michael OsborneNovember 8, 2012 at 23:08 pmHey Prof (a real one, not Fong-Kong),Maybe Obama will now earn the Nobel prize which he was awarded four years ago.No matter which way it goes, the world is a far better place without Romney (or perhaps any other Republican) leading the USA.p.s. It never ceases to amaze that the nation which put the Rover II on Mars, among other awesome stuff, has leading politicians who believe that women don’t get pregnant from rape.
they only visit bubba should say that to people like the astronauts,air traffic controllers,police ,CIA,FBI, many high ranking military personnel,and finally even Stanton T.Friedman who was doing an interview outside while lights danced in the sky behind him.These are the people he refers to as country bumpkins.I wonder where that puts him on this scale he has espoused,much lower than any country bumpkin this much is sure!
A good part of the hits on statcounter (on any statcounter) are indeed fake hits, so even if you think you get more visitors than X blog, it’s really hard to tell whether it’s true or not. Alexa Toolbar seems to be better at detecting rerouters, so even if on a different hit counter you appear to rank higher than Adliterate, Alexa charts might reveal the opposite. Of course, there’s a chance that your visitors are mostly Alexa-haters, but… that’s unlikely.
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Moments d’exaltation qui, finalement, donne envie d’aller pousser ses propres rêves plus loin ! Merci Vinvin – All the best of luck !B
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What a pleasure to find someone who thinks through the issues
Nov19aldo carioti sì federica, forse ho espresso male il mio pensiero.è chiaro, l’ambiente influenza gli eventi.e le attestazioni di impunità li giustificano.volevo, però, solo dire che – drammaticamente, nel bene e/o nel male – il tubo catodico è (se non l’unico) un punto di riferimento, in ogni senso.facile conseguenza che, soggetti deboli inseriti in un contesto sbagliato, accadano brutti episodi.c’est tout.
Rafa pero si vemos anteriormente el diagrama TEC en estas 2 ultimas semanas y a fines de septiembre hemos tenido mayor influencia del sol en la Ionosfera y no han habido sismos superiores a 6 entonces que otras implicancias directas generan los sismos.
What could we be not seeing? Geez, that’s beyond belief. I simply have to let you know that I am super impressed. How did you grow this set of skills? What has sparked the outcry wasn’t immediately clear.
Taking the overview, this post hits the spot
Very interesting points you have observed , thankyou for putting up. “Lefty Wise guy dont carry wallets, they carry their money in a roll….beaner on the outs” by Donnie Brasco.
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Konkrétan ezt a könyvét nem olvastam Sheldonnak, de a többit azt hiszem igen. Nem igazán olvasok ilyen műfajt, nem sznobságból, ( hisz őt is olvasom ) hanem időszűke kapcsán nem ez a fő kategória. De Sidney Sheldon egyszerűen zseniális ebben a kategóriában. Minden műve 10 pontos volt nálam.
Great insight. Relieved I’m on the same side as you.
At last! Someone with real expertise gives us the answer. Thanks!
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Lady Dodi · venerdì, 30 novembre 2012, 6:27 pmBasta anche con l’onesta e integerrima. Ci mancherebbe!Ma non basta assolutamente!La persona si valuta nella difficoltà , non quando tutto va bene! Siamo tutti bravi a dire cose belle.Non siamo mica al Catechismo, ecchecavolo!
Ùþúûüý… ýу þт óіòýюúø(((ÃÂð÷øòðєтьÑÂѠÿþрðôіûø ÿðру ûіт уúрðїýÑÂьúøü ÿõрõúûðôþü, ð тут ýð тþñі ÷ýþòу ñðýúу òð÷øûіýу і рþÑÂіÃ¹ÑÂьúøù ôуñÃȄÂö..
How many articles do you usually create in any given month? Be reserved with your time. You’ve really hit the nail on the head. Other then that, wonderful post! Really well written article! I’ll be sure to follow your other channels.
What about being kind to yourself? Would you call that a part of self-respect, being at peace with yourself, or feeling a sense of well-being? I agree it’s important to use words that we can connect to emotionally, and I can appreciate your effort to find an emotional connection to the term “self-love”.
ok, can we join results from multiple discovery plugins? ie. i have 2 brokers (dc1, dc2) connected together with openwire at management station so that i can manage the whole from our hq. so, if we want to use puppetdb (and we definitely want it!) we need to query 2 instances of puppetdb (dc1, dc2) or write a puppetdb proxy which will fire requests to all instances and merge responses.
I have been absent for some time, but now I remember why I used to love this blog. Thank you, I will try and check back more often. How frequently you update your site?
Acidente recente em uma competição de supino causou a morte de um atleta, espero que nossa federação continue fazendo seu trabalho sério, instruindo seus stafs e regulando a segurança lateral dos bancos antes dos atletas competirem, pois, segurança é coisa séria, abaixo coloco o tag do acidente, a cena é forte, mas serve de alerta futuro a todos nós.
Muy buenas! Gracias por tus estupendas recetas! TodavÃa no me he lanzado a hacer ninguna pero con esta creo que no podré evitarlo!! Me estoy relamiendo los bigotillos! Con lo que me gusta el sashimi de vieiras y esto suena casi mejor! ADemás fácil fácil
Brilliance for free; your parents must be a sweetheart and a certified genius.
Lu Moura comentou em 5 de janeiro de 2011 às 17:31. Julia! Lavo meu pincéis de forma mais delicada. Não molho a parte de metal, pois tenho medo de não secar direito e a umidade passar para a madeira. Só que dá muuuuito mais trabalho! Vou experimentar do seu jeito. Vc é linda e e aprendi a me maquiar com vc! Não sabia naaada! BJ e excelente 2011! Lu
I’m shocked that I found this info so easily.
and second being your ‘ideology’ .i never said we should idolize Periyar. I request you to go back and read my text once again.And for your ease the gist of my last reply was this: i dint intend to glorify Dravidian ideologies or Dravidian parties. I said they did more good than harm. In the harm it produced we bear equal culpability as they – the Dravidian parties, do. Because we failed to steer them. we blindly followed them. we idolised them.And most of the claims you make seems very superficial and stereotypical to me. but i may be totally wrong.
I have been there before myself. My son was in his infant seat (that clicks into the base in the car)…I heard the click and thought “off we go!”…realized WHEN I GOT TO MY DESTINATION that the base wasn't seat-belted in. I was devastated. Now, of course, I'm obsessive compulsive with the seat belt issue. lol.Nice to meet you, Dr. Mom…I found you on The Lady Bloggers Society.
você ainda está aà homem? n prefere dar-me o seu msn? talvez seja melhor, porque se quiser que eu lhe explique a destruição do património das cidades da europa de leste, vou ter de lhe repetir muitas vezes, o que é muito maçador para os restantes
I was sitting in the cockpit the other day and glanced backwards, expecting to see Zoë in her slip as always. When I didn’t see her, I figured you were on vacation. Then I saw your listing in Latitude’s Ba Ha-Ha. Glad to see you made it out again! And reading your blog is bringing back TONS of memories from the two times we travelled down the coast to Mexico. Getting to Santa Barbara is always a HUGE sigh of relief cuz its all warm weather and lighter winds from there on. Have a great trip!Kurt and NancyGumbo Ya-Ya
What’s it take to become a sublime expounder of prose like yourself?
When you are seeking to build muscular mass, eat a lot of clean food products. Stay away from pre-packaged food items which come in boxes, since you can expect preservatives, chemicals, and fillers that can impede your body’s capability to recover by itself. Well balanced meals are good for immunity mechanism and put in your muscles-developing efforts.
dit :Elles sont très très jolies… J’aime beaucou.Maintenant, je file découvrir avec délice ton blog qui me semble plein de poésie et de tendresse… bref comme j’aime !
If you should ever make it out to Hawaii you can sleep at my guest house. Being detailed is good, but don’t go overboard with making volumes of unneeded documents at the beginning. This might just go totally against almost everything I’ve read until this moment however, I am going to try what you have suggested and I’ll share with you the results. I book marked this to my book mark web site list and will be checking back soon. Are there other articles you write for? Babies andtiny cute animals probably love you.
chhatrapati sambhaji maharj jitke shur titkech sahan shil….jitke samrthyshali titkech rayatevar lekarasarkhe prem karnare….amchya ya dharmnisht rajala manacha mujara…mazya shambhu rajavar asa ekhada chitrapat banava jyat tyanche khare vyaktitv disave…kiti divas jodha-akbar sarkhe chitrpat baghnar…mhanun aamchya marathi digdarshakani pudhe yeun he kary karave….jay maharashtr!!!!!! jay sambhaji!!!!!!!
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Så nydelig og delikat!!! Den druesaksen kunne jeg like. Jeg klipper jo opp drueklasene før jeg legger de i en glassbolle som regel. Men var jo mye mer stilig med en sånn saks! *vilha*Ha en topp fredag Marit! Nå regner vinteren bort. Klem fra Hege
Old people andtiny cute animals probably love you. I am really impressed, I need to say. My brother would tell me the same sort of thing. This is the work of a smart brain. Not everyone is good at thinking outside of the box and still being detail oriented. Be reserved with time limits.
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It’s much easier to understand when you put it that way!
You know what, I’m very much inclined to agree.
19. Moi, je préfère CLAUDE GUEUX…. Broooooufff, un peu de poujadisme, ça fait pas de mal, non???? Si????? Ah Zut! Rédigé par: montaigneà cheval | le 31 août 2007 à 09:49Quelle jolie bouée, rose à poids bleu, ou l’inverse, bleu à poids rose?
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Your estimation of risk is based on less than 10% of the serious reactions being reported and / or acknowledged. Instead of repeating a factually inaccurate figure, why don’t you join with the AVN in asking the government to require reporting of ALL reactions following drugs and vaccines with penalties if reporting is not done? Then – and only then – we will be able to work out whether the benefits really do outweigh the risks.
A pleasingly rational answer. Good to hear from you.
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That’s a cunning answer to a challenging question
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Camperjam looks great, me and Andy wanted to go but it was too close to holiday and family meals. :(Gorgeous pic of you in your lovely flowered number! xx
Debe haber sido un emotivo homenaje. Esas mujeres sentirán que las vejaciones aún siguen frescas en su memoria. Las atrocidades sufridas nunca se olvidan.Un abrazo.
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Sharp thinking! Thanks for the answer.
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Mighty useful. Make no mistake, I appreciate it.
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The answer is in your question, LMA: “to win a few Conservative votes our west” – the west in question being Alberta. Both of BC is fiercely pro environment and anti tar sands.So much for Iggy’s intellectual smarts and for his understanding on what Canadians value! No surprise, of course, given his spending the largest chunk of his adult life outside the country.
My favorite colour! I have a red garden bed. It is not the powerful red in your fabulous post but rather deep purples, pinks and some brighter reds.
Right up until right this very moment I’ve had a completely incorrect way of looking at this stuff. From magazines to website content to social media posts, people need to write great content if they want to bring people to them. I believe it is about time that you and I spoke directly. I would really love to talk to you about some of the points you have brought up here. Spot on with this blogs. What’s best will often be a little different for everyone involved. Do you have any moreuseful insights?
Henry … Jon’s comments should not affect you … that’s the whole point, eh? He has his view, and you have yours …that’s the nature of democracy and we should all respect that. I happen to share Jon’s views … doesn’t make me right or wrong … but we can all live and learn from each other.A good discussion thus far.
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The way you describe your thought (and “un-thought”?) processes reminds me of the Jill Bolte Taylor talk on TED. If you haven’t seen it, you must! She’s a brain scientist who suffered a stroke. The talk is called – wait for it – “Stroke of Insight”. Amazing stuff!Anyway, glad you’re all right. The knock apparently did not impair your sense of humor or perspective, Hamdilullah. Katrina recently posted..
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And you thought you had adventures before! Sounds like you’re adjusting well, tho, and I know you’re gonna be happy in one of the best homes ever, Miss Kit!
It’s good to hear that you’re finally free of the slavery factory that is cubicle life. I sadly am still very much in the cubicle life side of things. But I am happy to report my laziness has risen by 200% and steadily climbing each day.I look forward to the day I can give the big “F-U” and make money for myself, not someone else.
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Kudos! What a neat way of thinking about it.
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Hab gerade im Decanter gelesen:“The general opinion around the tasting rooms of St-Emilion this morning is that this is a vintage that will favour the Right Bank.”Laesst nicht viel hoffen fuer das linke Ufer.
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Ah quelle chance de pouvoir mettre une jupe primptanniére…ici ce n’est pas encore pour l’instant …à moins de pouvoir faire abstraction du froid !!! Qui veut essayer ????Bref génial l’idée de la veste homme sur cette jupe magnifique (elle est dans ma whitlist pour le printemps). Bonne journée bisous
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hej,das war ein schöner Film, tolle unheimlich abwechlungsreiche Musik, sympathische Menschen. Ein Film, der uns auf wunderbare Weise verdeutlicht, wie schön unser Deutschland , wie schön unsere Heimat ist und welche positive Wirkung von der Volksmusik ausgeht. Vereinigt Sie doch junge und alte Menschen und findet auch weltweiten Anklang. Ich finde, darauf können wie alle stolz sein.
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While Jackie does have a good post, in the bodybuilding community there really hasn’t been any reported side effects as it pertains to weight training.However, the more important point is the extent to which glutamine actually works. I’ve seen a few recent studies that suggests it really doesn’t do anything beneficial.Instead of glutamine, you should look into BCAA’s (branched chained amino acids) which have been proven to work better than protein at building lean muscle.
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Bonsoir, merci de ne pes prendre en compte mon premier message (posté trop vite et sans relecture ^^).Juste pour signaler que le mode 11 foire sur Mac mini core duo (modèle de 2006, deux coeurs 32bits), le disque dur et le ventilo continuent de tourner et en cas de coupure, un reset est fait quand on essaye de booter (deux gongs séparés par un black screen).En revanche, le mode 3 fonctionne à merveille, il ferait des miracles combiné à un onduleur
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Hadit Jacques24/10/2012Notre gouvernement tente certainement d’effacer les traces de certains : Tonton, L FABIUS, H DESIR…Rappelez-vous l’arrivée de L FABIUS en dedeuche à l’Elysée.. je comprends leur souhait d’oubliPour ma part je suis contre : quid de mon pucelage perdu en ces temps ? Je vais avoir l’air malin avec ma prochaine conquête : j’ai 40 ans et je suis puceau ? A non alors !
… "if one of your ilk over on Fox News made a similiar comment I would have responded the same way."The only thing ASSinine in this comment section is your dermination to label every conservative Black a fox news watching, Republican.Now maybe if you and your ilk would refrain from having babies out of wedlock at 13, maybe Fox news would have less to talk about.
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An intelligent point of view, well expressed! Thanks!
Sep28Bryan Magana Glad you clicked! Thanks so much for sharing your story. The families of people who struggle with (or embrace) same-sex attraction are such an important part of this conversation, and part of the reason I decided to speak up. Please know that I’m praying for you and your daughter. Hope you’ll find lots more encouragement. God bless you.VN:F [1.9.20_1166](from 7 votes)
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We could’ve done with that insight early on.
I've been so sad to learn of Italy's weather trauma of late, aching over the loss and destruction. Some of us are paying attention, friend. Hang in there. Praying for sun…
I love maine coon cats! When I’m ready to live on my own and afford it all, I’m planning to have 2 Maine coon kittens on black nd white; the other a mix of orange hues. And I’ll have a st. Bernard puppy. I know, I’m into big animals lol
above, "the key in making a difference is what happens at home." Regardless of the setting that your child receives their education, parent involvement is key in their young lives. There is a great mission field in the public schools – my 15 y.o. daughter is a great evangelist and not at all ashamed to stand up for and share what she believes.
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That insight’s just what I’ve been looking for. Thanks!
Linda-I hope you get your chair back. And I understand your frustration when you want to keep a book that others have requested. Our small neighborhood library has been a little crowded lately, so I visit the newer downtown library. It’s beautiful with an auditorium that has great programs like a concert with the throat singing group Huun Huur Tu, a play based on the award winning book Crossing Bok Chitto, and it has a café. The library is across the street from an art museum that also has a café. Yes, I am obsessed with food.
You kind of remind me of my bff. Our brain is not designed to create happiness, as much as you might wish it were so. But I’ve not been able to ignore a completely different, alarming series of distraction over the last couple of days. This is an great, an eye-popper for sure! I love all of the points you have made here.
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so I was reading up on Iceland last night, and you would think that based on all of the news of their financial collapse, that RE prices would’ve plummeted there. Interestingly, despite coming down a bit, prices are still 3.5x as high there as they were in 1994. It is hard to understand how we can be anywhere close to a bottom globally when even ridiculously bubbly assets are still at such high levels
AKAIK you’ve got the answer in one!
Make some fruit kabobs, mini croissants with chicken salad and ham salad, and pumpkin bars. Hey I was just to a fun baby shower on Sunday. They took the disposable preemie diapers and popped an unwrapped candy bar in the diaper. Then microwaved it for a little bit. Looked just like a dirty diaper and you had to look at it, smell it, and guess which candy bar. There were 10 different diapers. Fun and different.
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After reading about it in History class all those years a go, it is kind of interesting to actually watch it unfold. To see large groups of people willingly give up their true freedoms for some false sense of security and community.In a sad, depressing sort of way I watch.
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Steve should really leave all geopolitical commentary to me as he is an utterly doe-eyed naif in these matters.Because we can't continue to bathe in the warm amneotic fluid of our mother's wombs, we have to bomb Iran, Afganistan, Hamas and anyone else I say. Nukes change everything – Duhh!
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OmaHeck – There are sooooo many things we did simply because you reacted. I’m not saying it was a replacement for cable (which we didn’t get until like 1985), but it did show us where we could help you out. Remember, as an older sibling, among my responsibilities was to ensure you were capable of withstanding the realities of life. Our youth was essentially me prepping you to be the well-adjusted adult you’ve become. I did pretty well. PS 3 words: back wash sodaOctober 30, 2012 – 7:21 pm
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